Stage 501
with Rei Murasame
Livestreaming Schedule
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Your Host
Your charming host likes to think of herself as “one of the best people who understands the technology, who understands the necessary hashtags.”

Rei Murasame
Webmaster, Livestream Host
Rei Murasame is a cultural commentator and political analyst from the perspective of the socialist Third Worldism tendency, and an advocate of postcolonial feminism and Pan-Asianism. Her livestreams focus on current events and she is always willing to talk to people from all sides of the political spectrum.
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Livestream Appearances
Cups of Tea
Writing about core texts, and in-depth analysis of events that are shaping our world.
A New Chapter Begins
For several months, the livestream called 'New Horizon' was operated, so that I could get an idea of what the environment on the YouTube platform was like, as well as the rest of the virtual media domain. The results have been broadly positive with significant growth,...